We had three kids altogether today - well, three 6 year-olds plus a little sister and a big brother!
Story: the story of 'Abdu'l-Baha and the carriage when very well. When discussing the story, the kids understood the concept... they understood that 'Abdu'l-Baha had sacrificed his own comfort so that he would have money to help the needy. However, if I did this again with 6-year-olds I would not bring up the subject of Christmas presents. When I asked the kids if they thought there were some kids who wouldn't receive many presents for Christmas because they were poor, the kids immediately answered, "maybe they've been naughty!" And so the Santa Claus myth doesn't help much with the concept of justice at Christmas I found out. We had to sort that out before we could go on. As one of the parents commented, "We should have stuck with food (rather than presents!)". And I agreed. So next time I would use the idea of 'not enough food' as opposed to 'not enough presents'! Live and learn!
Music: We were all reading four-beat rhythm cards quite successfully, saying the rhythms first, then saying and playing them, and then just playing them on percussion instruments. We passed the instruments around so that everyone could have a chance to play each one.
Craft: We made masks, because my child was on all week about the Justice League (Batman etc - his personal reference to Justice) so the masks were made of foam and individualized with stamps and glitter.
After the class, I went over the concept of Justice with my own child (I wanted to make sure he understood about the presents!) and he decided we should buy a new toy for a little boy and take it to the Empty Stocking Fund or some place where they will distribute presents to the needy at Christmas time. So I know he got the concept, but I was glad I reinforced it afterwards.